Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Friendship tickers

Monday, April 26

holiday at teluk batik ^_^

hehe.. yesterday family and i went to teluk batik.. having picnic there, is my granny idea.. she said she want to see the nature view.. ya, it had been a long time we hadn't spend our time there.. huhu.. overall.. it's fun.. but, it's so tiring.... my mum had to wake up earlier to cook nasik lemak.. beside, she need to make sagun 0_0.. i also need to cook bihun goreng as our main meals that day..

irfan didnt went along.. as usual.. he sleeping..~~~~

Friday, April 23

alhamdulillah.. its flourishing with flying color.. ^_^

just right now, i get my full result.. yeah, as i hope.. it flourishing.. yes.. it was...mybe for those it wont, but for me.. the color is just suit me.. but, for the past 4 sem, hehhe.. it still there.. same there.. as before.. hurm.. it's too maintain i guess.. still there.. but.. im glad.. im glad.. so thankful with that Almighty God.. yes.. i am so thankful with this gift.. thanks God.. thanks!! Alhamdulillah..

i put a level which i can always insyallah archieved.. and alhamdulillah.. i can still grab that color..thanks to my parent.. who always give a good advice, a good word, a good care.. a good love.. thanks ibu.. abah... yes.. tHANKS.. thanks a lot for your bless.. for your love.. thanks....!!!

koko, thanks a bunch for u too.. for being beside me,, who always cheer me off,, who always accompanied me.. ya.. you always there.. huhuu.. thanks friends.. thanks for the care, love ya.. love you la koko.. hehehe

hey, for my PEADIATRIC paper, i manage to go through that kay~~ ya.. i get B for that.. hahahaha.. so annoying when thinking how sad i am when getting my mid term paper last january.. all my tears, hardwork.. had been repay.. ya.. the revenge is accomplished!!!

hahahahaha.. 0_o

what a big laugh i have today.. hehehe.. im too happy i guess.. too happy.. hehehe..

Thursday, April 22

result dah kuar~

yeah.. my exam's result for the last sem was released this morning.. ya, i couldnt see two of those killer paper.. my pead and technique paper..
alhamdulillah,, eventhough, im not the one who always obey my dear God,, who always do sins,, doing wrong.. menzalimi diri sendiri.. but HIM always give bless His to me.. with this result, alhamdulillah.. i realize, if i always give my turn to the right path, insyaallah, i will gain more.. thanks God with this bless.. i will force my self, rebuilt the behavior and attitude, to the right road.. Islam.. Insyaalaahh

so, my dear classmate?? how yours?? hopefully all strived in your own color.. hopefully it is a bright one..

oo koko.. congrate to you to.. hey.. what He gives is the best.. and you have the best dear.. i will always stay here,, to support.. to be there,, anytime you want.. and i will always love you, koko..

hmm,, need to study more here.. guys, do open up your notes.. and please.. we will shown to those, we are the weird group, with the best mark!!

hey izzat~~
congrate kay.. you had done the best, let Him do the rest..

Tuesday, April 13

taksedar diri

haigo~~ perluker aku tulis benda nie..??
knaper manusia tak sedar diri? knpa bila kiter dah ader benda yg kita nak, berkongsi jadi benda yang asing utuk diri kita?

aku.. aku bukan begitu.. hrta aku, harta adik2 aku..
tpi, knpa tak dia? dia kurg ajar ngan aku..
tak sedar ker dia, yg aku.. aku ni sapa??
aku ni? sapa?? kurg ajar!!!!
sial punyeer manusia.. thanks kay,,, ko tgk,, langit tak selalu tinggi..
biler hari tu dtg.. aku bukak blog nie, bg ko baca..

dasar tak sedar dek untung.. celaka

Sunday, April 11

being at my own home

yup.. im already at my own house.. hehhee.. being here, of corse, it's refreshing..
happier kot.. tapi, gitu ah.. ader, tapi tak raser.. ntah.. kehilangan kot.. im missing something.. somebody maybe.. hmm<<

koko, already missing u.. boleh ker 3 bulan tak jumpa nie??

Wednesday, April 7

saya sayang rumah saya

haish.. being around, without done anything.. what a happy life kan?
yup, today my day start with sending my friend to the airport.. praying she will arrived safely to kuching
sorang2 balekk.. hihi.. bila la aku nak balik?
tp, it's a long weekend kan?
i need to accompany gee here, but on the same time, i need to go back home..
sunday inshayaallah.. S.u.n.d.a.y
berat rasernya, sebab kena tggl gee sorg2 kat sini, sebab 1 blok kosong
sian dier.. t, cmaneer nak balik kelantan sorang2? hmm,, just need to pray for the best.. gambatte GEE u can do it

seeing her study like hell, had inspired me,, if i been in her place, can i manage this? nonstoppable exam period, with the clinic skills? with the summoan? no, i dont thinks so.. it had been stated here,, i m going to be an audiologist..

for KOKO, gud luck for ur FINAL PAPER tomorrow.. it's a long wiks, right??? kiter g enjoy la esok..

Monday, April 5

one more to go~~~ cayalahh!!!

musim2 exam ni, kalu tak online, nerd la namanyerr... hahahahaa...
yup, tomorrow is my last paper..
suddenly, i felt, this 2 wiks which is full of anxiety, maximum stress tahap gapan.. going to quickly..
biasa la manusia,, "bila dah takder, baru nak terasa kehilanggannyer"
yes, im going to miss this haywireless sem.. everything had started..
started to be a super senior...
started to dig morre with this area..
started to have aims, and goals that need to be archieved..
started to be somebody.. with own identity..
going to be that soonn.. check up soon dear..

semangat aper aku ni??
semangat nak habis exam..

wadahekkk.. im still going to be me.. izzat

Friday, April 2

al fatihah buat din beramboi!!

2 hb April,
Din beramboi had pass away due to denggue

again, it's all about that small mosquito..
y there's no early prevention been provided?
did our ministry of health, didnt screen those high risk population that been admitted
how come, such life threaten disease couldnt been identified?
huh,, what a loser..

for the family of Din beramboi..
may God always bless him.. ALFATIHAH

Thursday, April 1

my peadiatric paper

yeah!! it done!! i had try my best..
tapi, knapa yakin sngat ni??

tak taula..
meningitis? = ossification.. how great i could remmber this impact of the infection
lucikly.. i guest..

but somehow..
thanks a bunch to my God Almighty..
whispering some good spirit, and a good memory..
Tq GoD!! love u so much

Alhamdulillahh (0_0)...

or else? mayb, it turn to the nightmare.. AGAinnn!!!