Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Friendship tickers

Thursday, September 8

turning 23rd

buat yang dilahirkan hari ini....
Selamat Hari Lahir...

terima kasih..
i.t.u s.a.h.a.j.a

okay.. homesick! titik...

 Selesai sudah cuti semester.. yang paling lama dalam hidup student.. 4 bulan weh.. untuk UIAMan la..=)
and finally.. the final date is coming closer.. dari 3,2,1, dan kosong.. hari itu hampir tiba..

macam2 la kenangan yang jadi.. selama 4 bulan ni..

 MEI 2011
Pratikal time... posting kat HTAA...yang best.. aku dapat kenal kawan2 sekelas yg se-posting dengan lebih dekat.. dapat belajar macam2.. belajar buat spagetti.. belajar makan bergembira.. tgk Nur Kasih.. belajar jalan kaki kat Kuantan ni.. meredah mydin, Kamdar.. sebab nak pergi ECM.. makan nasik lemak... tggu bas... meronda2 kat kuantan parade.. n yang paling best Cool Blog.. huhuhu

Macam2 jadi... ada hari guru...ada beday sendiri..n so.. n so... dapat belajar banyak.. sbb supervisor boleh ajar direct, hari2 posting,, 5 kali seminggu.. biarpun setengah hari... klinikal hur.... hmmmphh!! =) kaw2...

belum lagi yang tggu bas,, di bawah panahan matahari... duk kat tepi jalan.. menyumpah pak cik bas... kejar2 bas... aiiihh..... macam-macam....

Aku sedar.. yang,, tak payah berkepit dengan kawan sorang2.. tak tentu pun dia sahabat mati aku.. kawanla selagi ada yang nak kawan...
sebab.. if  kawan yang kita pegang tu tinggalkan kita..
kita akan sorang2.. sedih sorang....
semestinya takkan ku lupa pertolongan kawan2 n staff DASLP yang bantu aku dapatkan hostel untuk posting di bulan berikutnya.. =)

 JUN 2011
Bulan yang paling aku takutkan... berjauhan dengan keluarga dan rakan2.. n membawa nama UIA ke Hospital Serdang.

tak takut ke duduk sorang2? jaga diri sendiri.. tak kenal sape2? tak sure pun, if kita dpat tak buat yang terbaik, dgn tidak menghampakan harapan supervisor2? ibu bapa? menggelabah kot.. n aku tau.. mana2 kawan2 aku yg posting berseorangan... pasti rasa benda yang sama....

bila lain protokolnya.... "mcmni ke UIA ajar?"
bila salah tekniknya.. " UIA tak ajar ke?"
bila berbeza sikapnya.... " senior awak cakap lain"
bila berterabur diagnosisnya.... " Student *** boleh buat jauh lebih baik dr awak"

mana nak pertahan pendapat.. mengembang teori.. menjaga nama dan maruah.. semua tindak tanduk org lihat, dan bandingkan.. streess oooo...

tp.. aku syukur,,, dpt tempt di mana menjdi pusat pilihan 3 U audio.. supervisor aku dh supervise 3,3 Students dari U yang berbeza.. demand dia lain.. gred nak dicapai semua tinggi2.. n aku bersyukur.. dapat survive.. membawa sejuta pengalaman..

 itu jer yang aku leh simpul...
cuti yang mendekatkan aku dgn ibu ku..
cuti yang mengajak aku bersama ibu..
mendreba kereta..

aku seronok.. dpt tolong ibu jaga meksu dan dani.. yang bertambah2 riuhnya..
aku seronok dpt tolong ibu.. jagakan Dani, agar ibu dpat pergi bertadarus di bulan Ramadhan..
aku seronok dpt tolong ibu menjaga, dan mengemas rumah..
aku seronok dapat tunaikan apa sahaja yang ibu pinta, dgn tulang 4 keratku..
aku seronok,, dapat jadi.. apa yang ibu doakan...
bawak ibu pusing satu manjung ni..
bawak ibu berterawikh di bulan Ramadhan..

dan... aku seronok.... sebab dapat selalu di sisi ibu.. di kala dia letih.. lelah dan penat...

peluang yang tak semua orang dapat..berbakti pada org tuanya.... aku syukur.. sbb dapat peluang tu.. peluang utk jaga ibu... untuk gembirakan ibu.. ringankan beban tugasnya... jaga makan pakainya... Alhamdulillah..... syukur tuhan!

mesti ati sangat rindukan IBU.. seyesly!! nak habis study cepat2... n keja rajin, agar dapat buat ibu.. always senyum!!!

now.. Bestie saya.. ni ha~~~
muka pun serupa kan? 
org kata, saya adik ibu.. sbb muka saya mmg tua pun... n ibu.. selalu nampak muda...

bia jauh t...
akan selalu telipon ibu ye... no worry~~~!!!

doakan ati...
Ati nak jadi yang halal untuk rahmat Allah, dan syurgaNya

Wednesday, August 24

mengimbau.. dulu...

semakin bertambah umur..
semakin terasa turunya keringat..
lemahnya semangat..
hilangnya kudrat.... (mood: tua)

sekarang ni dah start dah nak sakit-sakit badan.. sakit pinggang.. bunyi tulang ketuk ketak...
dah lama pakai rupanya badan ni..

suddenly.. waktu mengemas.. saya terpandang..
1 kotak... yang tersimpan kemas... hmm.. berhabuk dah..
bila bukak.. sedih tgk... banyak surat.

kertas itu kekuningan..
seiring dgn pertambahan umur.. hmm.. bila sehelai2 surat dibuka.. perasaan itu mengamit..
rasa yang dah lama takde..
rase yang dah lama aku lupa..
perasaan itu.. betul2 mencengakam hatiku...

ada rasa yang aku banggakan..
ada rasa yang aku kesalkan..
semuanya bercampur baur.. dan akhirnya.. semua itu..
rencah rempah.. yang menambah warna hidup aku....

banyak cerita yang tercoret di sini.. segala2 kisah zaman RPS aku.. n.. aku tak bole nafikan yang RPS adalah part hidup yang aku gembira.. mostly... kat sini.. aku belajar.. kawan.. hidup..
banyak cerita-cerita gembira.. yang seronok.. yang masih terletak kat kotak hidup aku.. tapi.. yang paling terkesan... adalah.. rasa menyesal itu... kesal yang merobek hidupku skrg...

banyak yang hilang... dan segalanya2 aku judikan utuk perasaan aku waktu itu.. alasan yang mudah,, adalah... semua orang suka disayang.. dan disayangi... dan itu. sangat-sangat meendidik aku..

tapi.. hari ini.. bila aku buka.. bait-bait kata..
aku sedar yang sebenarnya..
banyak yang aku buang... tanpa aku pernah teliti.. betapa..
semuanya berharga..!!

ni yang paling mahal ni... sapa ada lagi?

Monday, August 15

Saya Tahu Saya Tak Cantik | iluvislam.com + discover the beauty of islam

Saya Tahu Saya Tak Cantik | iluvislam.com + discover the beauty of islam

Anatomi : Telinga Tengah ( Bhg 2)

..... last entry, rasanya aku dh citer tentang anatomical features of middle ear.. jd hari ni, nak tambah sikit.. agar dapatla jugak ilmu ini menambah knowldege yang aku sedia ada.. memantapkan ilmu2 yang mungkin sikit banyak, aku dh lupa.. hope.. i get something beneficial jugak....

Kepentingan utama telinga tengah adalah untuk menguatkan bunyi. Dan organ yg paling berusaha kuat untuk menambah kekuatan bunyi adalah tulang-tulang oksikel. Tulang2 yang dimaksudkan adalah; 1) Malleus, 2) Incus dan 3) Stapes

for those yang tak tahu.. these were the smallest bones yang ada kat badan kita..

biar pun kecik.. tapi manfaatnya.. MasyaAllah... betulla apa org kata.... kecik2 cili padi.. lagi kecik.. pedas lebih lagi.. huhuhu....

As yang kita tahu.. terdapat prbezaan environment simboliknya di antara teling tengah dah telinga dalam.. Telinga dalam,, rumahnya dipenuhi air, dan telinga luar didiami udara. Jadi, terdapat perbezaan ketumpatan antara 2 medium ini.. Yang mana.. sekiranya bunyi disalurkan.. hanya 0.01% sahaja yang akan initaiate receptors of hearing. 99.9 % akan reflected back.. Jadi, ossciles, play an important role, to avoid impedance mismatch ni..

Tulang2 berikut membantu menguatkan bunyi yang disalurkan sebanyak lebih kurang 20dB.. Ada 3 mechanisme yang terjadi untuk penambahan bunyi2 ini.. Yang mana; 1) Area Ration, 2)  Lever Action and 3) Buckling Mechanism......

Ketiga2 mechanisme ni, berlaku pada frequencies 100Hz hingga 2kHz. 2kHz and above??? Outer ear yang akan tolong amplify..

Saturday, August 13


‎"Biarkan orang lain menjalani kehidupan yang kecil, tetapi kamu jangan! 
Biarkan orang lain memperdebatkan soal-soal kecil, tetapi kamu jangan! 
Biarkan orang lain menangisik kepedihan-kepedihan kecil, tetapi kamu jangan! 
Biarkan orang lain menyerahkan masa depan mereka kepada orang lain, tetapi kamu jangan!" 

Habiburrahman El Shirazy

"Adjustment is always better than Argument...
 A Meaningful silence is better
than meaningless words..."

Friday, August 12

... shh.... i'm talking!

Talking To The Moon 

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have


At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know

Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back


At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

Ahh Ahh,
Ahh Ahh,

Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night 
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you

In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

Saturday, August 6

liver transplant?

case study :
Patient 6 years old, female. She came with her father. Her father want to sent her daughter into special school, because he found out that her daughter had difficulty in understanding expressive language. She seems confused, and father want to fill in OKU form for her daughter.This child had history of liver transplant since she is 4 years old. Currently on medication, to avoid negative rejection from her body.

Agak-agak... apa masalah yang kita boleh noted?
 (1) Learning problem
 (2) On medication


No abnormality found out through otoscopic examination and tympanometry.
Play Audiometry  : mild to severe sensorineural hearing loss at high frequencies ( 2K : 55dB, 4K : 60 dB, 6K : 90dB)

Earlier on testing, patient had difficulty in understanding the task of testing She seems confused, and cannot respond well in conditioned state. Tester had increase the intensity of the conditioned level up to 80 dB, but then, patient seems to show false-positive respond, by responding with guess. Instead of changing the task, tester had try to modify the test, by using lower frequency to condition, and she able to respond accordingly.

This child had showed a hearing loss that may replicate the condition of ototoxicity. Her hearing is dropping slowly, and yes, it damaging the high frequency far more earlier than the lower frequency. This is due to anatomic locations of the cochlear, and frequency selectivity that God create. The lower frequency is place in apex of the spiral, and this protecting this region.

The confusion and symptoms that this patient may reflected due to hearing loss that she had. It's hearing is slowing diminishing, and yet the important phonemes in understanding speech lying on the high frequency region. Thus the impaired cochlear that due to toxicity, can cause problems in understanding speech, discriminating words that had similar sounds, inaudibility of speech, and many more. The right management of the patient, is to adopt a hearing aids, that can helps in assisting during conversation. But then, special specification needs to be consider. The child had a near normal low frequencies threshold. We dont want to fit hearing aids that can increase the threshold of the better frequencies.

Tuesday, August 2

puasa kali ini

1 Ramadhan 1432H
kali ini...
tiada lagi waktu dimana pagi,
bangun ke kelas, sampai ke petang..

kali ini..
tiada lagi sahur, mengetuk pintu teman..
masak nasik.. minum milo.. makan kacang goreng merah..
ratah kurma... mcm takde dah makanan lain nak makan..

kali ini..
tiada lagi waktu..
di mana nak kena bawak keta g beli makanan..
berhimpit di trafik jam.. berbuka di padang..

kali ini..
takde lagi pilihan..
urm,, nak beli kat bazar mana? masjid ke? padang?

kali ini..
takde lagi nak kena on time beli popia..
borong air macam2.. semangat kuih tak hilang sama..

kali ini.. 
takde lagi nak semayang terawikh sama2..
mengejar takwa bersama...

semua dah takde.. 

dan semestinya.. yang hilang itu akan selalu kita kenang

Sunday, July 31

1 Ramadan 1432H

May This Ramadan be as bright as ever.
May this Ramadan bring joy, health and wealth to you.
May the festival of lights brighten up you
and your near and dear ones lives.
May this Ramadan bring in u the most
brightest and choicest happiness and
love you have ever Wished for.
May this Ramadan bring you the
utmost in peace and prosperity.
May lights triumph over darkness.
May peace transcend the earth.
May the spirit of light illuminate the world.
May the light that we celebrate at Ramadan
show us the way and lead us together on the
path of peace and social harmony
Wish you a very happy Ramadan mubarak
1 Ramadhan 1432
saya teringat dekat awak
Sometimes I asked for strength but Allah gave me difficulties so that i will be stronger.
Sometimes I asked for wisdom but Allah gave me problems so that i could think the ways of solving them.
Sometimes I asked for prosperity but Allah gave me brain so that i could use it to become a successful Muslim.
Sometimes I asked for courage but Allah gave me dangers so that i could find the ways to overcome those obstacles.
Sometimes I asked for love but Allah gave me tears so that i could drop them when I see those orphans live without love.
Sometimes I received nothing that I wanted but Allah always gave me everything that I Need.

Friday, July 22

| Encik hati... |

We can win life by all means if we simply avoid two things in our lives;

"Comparing with others" and “Expecting from others".....

jd encik hati... tenang ye

Wednesday, July 20

nasal related disease - Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC)


NPC is most of common problems. it's a development of squamous cell in the pharynx cavity. usually the common symptom that patient had is middle ear effusion. other symptoms are neck mass, cranial nerve palsy, epistaxis, trimus and headache. the known risk factor that triggering NPC are genetic, diet, EBV, and environment. EBV is  "Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), also called human herpesvirus 4 (HHV-4), is a virus of the herpes family, which includes  herpes simplex virus1 and 2, and is one of the most common viruses in humans. It is best known as the cause of infectious mononucleosis. It is also associated with particular forms of cancer, particularly Hodgkin's lymphoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and central nervous system lymphomas associated with HIV.[1] Finally, there is evidence that infection with the virus is associated with a higher risk of certain autoimmune diseases, especially dermatomyositis[citation needed], systemic lupus erythematosus,[2][3] rheumatoid arthritis,[3] Sjögren's syndrome,[3] and multiple sclerosis "(wikipedia)

NPC usually treated by surgery, chemotheraphy, and radiotheraphy.
in audiology perspective
as, an audiologist, NPC can cause recurrent infection that may lead to conductive loss to progress to sensorineural loss. usually, NPC will showed Type C tympanogram that may suggest ET dysfuction. the condition may showed little prognosis, even after surgery. patient who had NPC may had high risk to have facial palsy, tis is due to severe infection that may spread to the nerve. if patient go for chemotheraphy, the risk of cochlear damage is still there. outer hair cells in the cochlea which play a role in mobilize the basilar membrane, is more susceptible to damage. if the OHC is damage, the frequency selectivity and loudness perception is affected to. the electomotility of the OHC is important for a person to hear low intensity stimuli. this active mechanism is so much important that able to ensure the transmission of the stimuli to higher auditory function.the drug used for chemotheraphy also can cause ototoxicity. aminoglycoside that used as antibiotics to control the infection also is toxic for our ear. 

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epstein-Barr_virus
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasopharyngeal_carcinoma

buat awak yang jauh di mata..

"Distance isn't a big factor in a relationship. Communication is. But most of all, commitment is the biggest........."

Monday, July 18

5 tahun beb!!!!

"A great relationship is formed because of 2 reasons : First is to find out the similarities & second is to respect the differences.."

for the last 5 years...
thank you.. for always been beside me..
thank you, for the guidance and advice,
thank you, for your huge help and understanding..
thank you for your patience, love and care

it had been 5 years..
5 years of emotion, fight and relationship of

"Thanks to hated me, U made me a stronger person
To loved me, U made my heart grow fonder
To envied me, U made my self-esteem grow stronger
To cared, U made me feel important
To entered my life, U made me who I am today
To who left, U showed me that nothing lasts forever
Special Thanks to YOU ,to stayed, U' showed me the true meaning of Love & Friendship.....!!

biar jauh.. berbeza..
ko gemuk.. dan aku kurus..
ko tinggi dan aku.. ehm katik.
ko tetap yang teristimewa, yg tak dapat ditukar ganti..

5 tahun berlalu..
penuh suka duka, yang mewarna hidup kita,
andai dapat diputar masa
aku doa agar aku berperangai lebih baik
me"limit" maki dan keji..
yang sangat sebati dengan diri ini..
tapi, kau.. tetap disisi..
selalu menemani dikala sunyi..
selalu tersenyum menghilang sepi,
merangka hidup yg penuh onak dan duri..
berada disisi, sama berlari..
terima kasih. dari hati ini..

saat aku ketawa.. ko turut bergembira..
ketawa bersama, menghilang duka..
di saat sedih, air mata merintih..
air mataku turut. membuatkan dikau sedih..
hati yang perih.. sama di rintih..

terima kasih koko...
kiki says...
"sayang awak... amat2"

Thursday, July 14

pening? berpusing2....?

headache, spinning, giddiness, imbalance, is a common symptom yang orang selalu cakap.. belum lg yg rasa loya, muntah.. ish.. of course la burden yang paling best... kadang2 ada lagi best, symptom2 tu hanya jadi bila kita pusing kat 1 posisi. contohnya, mcm mendongak ke,,, toleh kiri or kanan...atau mana2 la.....

is a symptoms that usually arise due to vestibular dysfunction. the vestibular organs is semicircular canal, utricle and saccule that house in our ear. an impairment can cause imbalance that varied in degree of severity, and usually associate with nausea and vomitting..

pernah rasa mabuk laut? mabuk jalan?? pening.. berpusing?? serius kan?? nak jalan pun tak boleh.. nak lari laju2 pun terhuyung hayang..

common symptom.. yang nampak remeh.. tapi.. sangat menyakitkan..

usually, vertigo ni.. yg tahap severe.. yang merumitkan hidup patient, doctor usually akan prescribe betaserc, untuk control symptom2 tu.. tapi tula.. sbb vestibular system ni systemnya rumit.. n takde direct measurement yang dapat dilakukan untuk objectively detect mana part yang damage..

that's why, even kat m'sia.. vestibular problem ni selalu di pandang sepi.. sbb takde kepakaran.. sbb takde modal.. it's a huge area which demand highly specialty... yang aku taw.. Hospital serdang merupakan hospital yg dipilih untuk vestibular system.. tp, so far.. takde lagi rasanya exact test yang asses vestibular function
(even ENT.. busy la.. ) 

main professional which can asses this system, is actually audiologist.. there is many assessment that we learned theoretically, but then there's limit practical where we can actually used it. HUSM practically had "klinik pening" which specialized for those who having vestibular problem. my university also had started to do so.

VEMP, Caloric testing, Rotational Chair, ENG/VNG, is actually the test that can detect dysfunction indirectly, by measuring the nystagmus of the eye. but then, by comparing with multiple test, we can specifically specify which organ is impaired...

ps: kerja nanti,, nak bukak klinik pening jugak..~~~


Monday, July 11

kuning??? merah?? aku pilih..

'only politicians see the grass is greener on HIS side!'

jadi... saya nak duduk atas pagar.. tuntutan demonstrasi ni berasas.. tp, cara dan medium usaha mencemar nama negara, amannye... harmoninya malaysia...tak releven kot guna reformasi.. kita kan negara merdeka.. yg ada kerajaanya.. nk gulingkan kerajaan tetiba.. and nak jatuhkan kepala malaysia.. mcm tak best plak aku pkay..

melayu dan islam berbeza kan. pkay melayu.. emosi.. pkay islam.. simbolik perpaduan itu kan.. berbeza gerak kerja sebenarnya.. aku sayang Malaysia..kita tggu jer pilihan raya nanti.. suarakan demonstrasi korang tu... demokrasi, revolusi dan reformasi tu kan....

kadang2 aku pk... buat perhimpunan time cuti semester.. mesti almost yg berhimpun tu mahasiswa.. sedey kan... wehla.. kerajaan bg ptptn, jpa... belajar.. majukan negara.. tak aku nafikan yg suara mahasiswa ni, besar.. kuat dan lantang andai bersatu.. tp,, pkay smart sikit okay kan... banyak cara lain kot,,, korang belajar la pandai2.. tinggi melangit.. pastu, masuk politik.. fight jadi perdana menteri.. apa yang susah.. buat negara sendiri sudahh....

aku ni anak pesara tentera.. daging2 dalam badan ni, aku rasa semua duit kerajaan.. buku teks dulu.. free je aku dpat.. kerajaan jugak yang bantu.. sekolah,, hospital.. ish.. aku rasa banyak baik.. dari buruk...

apahal yang waktu najib baru nak jadi gini.. baru sepenggal... kita tggu je pilihan raya nanti ye.. =)

apa 3 ingatan sulong Nabi Muhammad SAW sebaik saja tiba kat Madinah waktu hijrah baginda??
1) bersalam-salaman sesama manusia
2) infakkan harta
3) kerapkan qiyamulail..

bersalam-salaman kan teras perpaduan.. 

Sunday, July 10

if u deaf n blind, then u lost connection with things and people..

 "the miracle worker"
it's a story of hellen Keller, with her teacher anne sullivan.. a deaf and blind child who having these impairment and lost communicating with the world. struggling to communicate, to express feeling, share thought and interest, this child is having emotional disturbance with anger explosion. but then, her family had lost hope and motivation to fight with their child life. when hellen throw tantrum and anger, her families gave a sweet to settle down the behavior. 

anne sullivan, a teacher also blind when she is small. she's is a best student in her university. hellen's mother seek helps from hellen's father friends, who actually an educator in that university. anne was sent as home educator, to teach hellen.

hellen who was pre-lingual deaf and blind child, had no exposure on verbal communication. thus, tactile mode of communicating is the only option that can give a help. anne helps to teach hellen on how to do so. the best part is how anne taught hellen to spell doll. it was the first word that she learned. 

this movie had taught me on how noble the field of an educator. patience, hope, motivation, soul, love and care is the important ingredient that helps. to teach and be thought, is 2 different things. each play different role. each play their own character. 

in my point of view, the movie gave a best paradigm to explain on the path that i will go in the future. it gave a best inspiration, passion and motivation to teach about life. who in this life belief on the capability of a deaf and blind child to learn and understand things? but this high motivation teacher belief in the faith that this child can be thought. 

banyak ilmu yang di dapati free2 dari movie ini.. kasih ibu.. kasih guru.. abang.. ayah... percaya untuk berjaya.. impian.. semua2 lah.... best!! tak rugi tengok.... 

sayangnyer... cd tak available kat m'sia.. ni pun supervisor bg tgk, sbb kawan dia beli kat UK... 

perlu suh Nor bazlinda balik uk belikan satu