this is the only things i regret.. for turning away from my ibu side.. if i knew, this will be happen,, i wont come back during this CNY..
gee seem worried.. giving "dont talk to me" looked.. yeah, im felt the same.. but, im in da middle of the problems.. worried about DAs, and my ibu feeling..
with the dua, and all the efforts, tears and fight.. we're been able to get through dat..
on 14 feb, we try to go around teluk intan, praying to buy the spare part.. my heart saying that it would be impossible to find it,, it's impossible.. but, we wont give up, and waiting around.. making the sad face when someone wishing something from us.. thus, at the afternoon,, with all the sweat that come out from our body.. with the maximum heat that of course will burned up our patience.. huh.. Ya allah, do help us~~
and finally,, after playing with the emotion_weird feeling..
and alhamdulillah after about 3 hours..
we manage to find a solution..
we entering a shop, a kimpal2 things>>
and then, there's a yellow STorm (this is a Car) going out..
luckily, he is the owner of the shop..
we try to ask for his help.. and even luckily.. he is trying to help us..
he try to call some of his friend,, searching for the
"honda city 1.3 water pump thing"..
after a while,, he give us his friends phone number..
yes.. his friend have that,, and he can come open up his shop, which is in front of the kimpal's shop..
ya allah.. thanks alot..
when there's none of my cousin, able to give some effort..
when my uncle at ipoh, doesnt even try to help..
when there are nobody can do something..
allah give us this kind chinese man..
who have, this kind of good heart..
whoe can help someone that he even dont know..
what a great heart Allah give to him..
and alhamduliillah,,
i can see gee's smile again.. after days without it..
this had teach somethings..
1) it cause alot of stress in my friendship..
2) making me wondering, who's the most important in my life
3) a blood relationship is not a guarantee to say that there's a person to ly on
4) i do love her.. and this make us stronger, matured..
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