at home.. my father complaining that his "tapak kaki" in pain.. i thought it was a ketuat since it shown some dark color and swell.. my father look so in pain.. n he walked terhenjut2.. kesian abahku..

after my ibu come home.. she asked my abah to go to hospitall.. as ussuall.. xnak punya...
and this morning.. he went to HAT, by himself.. my ibu afraid that he couldnt drove the car after the treatment.. what if my father will have small operation to remove that thing? how could he pressing the pedal, when his right feet is swelling? she asked me to accompany him. but as ussual.. taknak punyaa .. (-_-).. abah2..
and after he come home.. he said it was a blister=lepuh.. tula.. tak suka pakai kasut sangat.. hahahahah
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