4th jun 2010
bertolak naik bas ke putrajaya.. jam 2.o5pm.. naik bas Transnasional...
been in the bus for almost 6 hours.. arrivd at duta station at 6pm.. disebbakan berada di capital city of m'sia.. trapped in the jam for almost 2 hours.. bus pon menggong.. travelled jauh.. lumut-teluk intan- duta-bukit jalil-puchong-putrajaya.. LAST statIon.... sakit pinggang woitttt!!!!
then, while waiting.. we ( ejah n me) taking some picture of putrajaya central..
acik pergi amik tokteh... buat teman opah.. double troubleeeee!!!! hahahahahhaaa
5th Jun 2010
bertolak ke portdikson pukul 12 pm.. since p.long ada meeting kat sana, so we need to wait for him, then he will turn back to putrajaya to take us.. b4 sampai.. prgi makan tgh hari lu.. sedappppp!!!!! arrived at bayu beach resort around 2.00 pm.. wahh.. penuh orangggg!! reemeiiii..
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