- 24/ Male
- alleged of hearing problem on left side
- started after MVA (early last year), doctor diagnosed hearing organ and nerve affected
- have balance problem
- left ear ringing sound, that occurred continuously
- no other significant problem related
Audiological Findings
- Otoscopic Examination: Clear EAC, with intact TM bilaterally
- Tympanometry : Type A bilaterally
- Acoustic Reflex: Tone effect pattern
- PTA :
- Right : Mild SNHL
- Left : Profound SNHL
- ABR ( SOL) - for Unilateral tinnitus, and Unilateral HL. Even if its above output limit of the ABR, this test can be done to check the consistencies, avoid functional HL.
- Tinnitus therapy : main goal is to achieve habituation. counselling is important
- Balance test: to check on the vestibular system.
- Communication Strategies : to ensure patient able to be a competent comunicator
- ENT referral: for management ( 1- Unilateral HL --> even if the MVA can be the possible causes, to ruled out retrocochlear loss is important, 2- balance problem
- monitor hearing : since he have only one side hearing, its important to preserve his hearing.
Issues encounter
1) Masking dilemma - undermasking likely to occur..
2) Change to insert phone, to reduce masking
3) BC start at poorer ear
4) vibrotactile respond - ensure with patient =)
and..... i get to remedial my clinic...
i not yet that competent =)
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