"People doesnt care how much you know, until they know how much you care".
History taking is the fundamental part on every session. Generally, this help in letting you know about patient's background, their concern, and it helps on digging the why the problem arise.
Basicly, in audiology field, history taking helps in ruled out the cause of loss, the triggering factor that are non pathological as for example physical abuse.
The main idea to generate history taking sheets is the WH QUESTION (who, when, why, what and how)
What is important?
Separately, questions are different between adult and peadiatric cases.
As an audiologist, i need to know about:
- Hearing problem
- When the problem arise?
- Which ear?
- How the problem happened? Suddenly? Gradually?
- Any hearing test conducted before? If yes, what is the result?
- Are there any experienced with hearing aids?
- Patient's job
- Ear' history
- Is there any ear pain? If yes, since when? How it occured? How it been treated?
- Is there any ear discharge?
- Any ringing sensation? If yes, what kind of sound is it? The duration of ringing? What trigger it? Are the ringing annoyed you? How you handle or cope with it?
- Medical history
- Any medical problem?
- Are you taking any medication daily? If yes, since when?
- Head and neck injury
- Facial weakness
- Noise exposure ( relate with job scope)
- If yes, how many hours of exposure?
- Is there any prevention act been done?
- Family history
There are different area of concern when taking history in this population. Generally, the age of the patients will help on selecting the appropriate question.
Obviously, we ask those question towards the parents or guardian, unless the child is well understood upon the question asked ( reach mental age)
- Parent concern
- Are you suspecting your child having hearing difficulities? If yes, why you said so? Since when you notice the problem?
- Pregnancy history
- Did you take any medication during pregnancy other than multivitamin that physician suggest to?
- Did you do x-ray during pregnancy?
- Are there any infection that you suffer from pregnancy? ( try to rule on TORCHES)
- Are there any complication during delivery?
- Did your child reach maturity?
- Birth weight?
- Apgar score?
- After delivery, are there any other problems? Did your child been warded, ventilated?
- Jaundice? If yes, how it been treated? Any blood transfusion?
- Any infection detected?
- Medical and ear history
- Speech development
- The question should be according to age of the child. General milestone can be use to guide if the child have any delay on speech production.
- Physical development
- School performance
- Family history
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