Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Friendship tickers

Monday, July 18

5 tahun beb!!!!

"A great relationship is formed because of 2 reasons : First is to find out the similarities & second is to respect the differences.."

for the last 5 years...
thank you.. for always been beside me..
thank you, for the guidance and advice,
thank you, for your huge help and understanding..
thank you for your patience, love and care

it had been 5 years..
5 years of emotion, fight and relationship of

"Thanks to hated me, U made me a stronger person
To loved me, U made my heart grow fonder
To envied me, U made my self-esteem grow stronger
To cared, U made me feel important
To entered my life, U made me who I am today
To who left, U showed me that nothing lasts forever
Special Thanks to YOU ,to stayed, U' showed me the true meaning of Love & Friendship.....!!

biar jauh.. berbeza..
ko gemuk.. dan aku kurus..
ko tinggi dan aku.. ehm katik.
ko tetap yang teristimewa, yg tak dapat ditukar ganti..

5 tahun berlalu..
penuh suka duka, yang mewarna hidup kita,
andai dapat diputar masa
aku doa agar aku berperangai lebih baik
me"limit" maki dan keji..
yang sangat sebati dengan diri ini..
tapi, kau.. tetap disisi..
selalu menemani dikala sunyi..
selalu tersenyum menghilang sepi,
merangka hidup yg penuh onak dan duri..
berada disisi, sama berlari..
terima kasih. dari hati ini..

saat aku ketawa.. ko turut bergembira..
ketawa bersama, menghilang duka..
di saat sedih, air mata merintih..
air mataku turut. membuatkan dikau sedih..
hati yang perih.. sama di rintih..

terima kasih koko...
kiki says...
"sayang awak... amat2"

1 comment:

Anak Pak Amran & Makcik Hasmah said...

sahabat karib yg tak pernah berenngang!! terbaik wok :)