Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Friendship tickers

Thursday, July 14

pening? berpusing2....?

headache, spinning, giddiness, imbalance, is a common symptom yang orang selalu cakap.. belum lg yg rasa loya, muntah.. ish.. of course la burden yang paling best... kadang2 ada lagi best, symptom2 tu hanya jadi bila kita pusing kat 1 posisi. contohnya, mcm mendongak ke,,, toleh kiri or kanan...atau mana2 la.....

is a symptoms that usually arise due to vestibular dysfunction. the vestibular organs is semicircular canal, utricle and saccule that house in our ear. an impairment can cause imbalance that varied in degree of severity, and usually associate with nausea and vomitting..

pernah rasa mabuk laut? mabuk jalan?? pening.. berpusing?? serius kan?? nak jalan pun tak boleh.. nak lari laju2 pun terhuyung hayang..

common symptom.. yang nampak remeh.. tapi.. sangat menyakitkan..

usually, vertigo ni.. yg tahap severe.. yang merumitkan hidup patient, doctor usually akan prescribe betaserc, untuk control symptom2 tu.. tapi tula.. sbb vestibular system ni systemnya rumit.. n takde direct measurement yang dapat dilakukan untuk objectively detect mana part yang damage..

that's why, even kat m'sia.. vestibular problem ni selalu di pandang sepi.. sbb takde kepakaran.. sbb takde modal.. it's a huge area which demand highly specialty... yang aku taw.. Hospital serdang merupakan hospital yg dipilih untuk vestibular system.. tp, so far.. takde lagi rasanya exact test yang asses vestibular function
(even ENT.. busy la.. ) 

main professional which can asses this system, is actually audiologist.. there is many assessment that we learned theoretically, but then there's limit practical where we can actually used it. HUSM practically had "klinik pening" which specialized for those who having vestibular problem. my university also had started to do so.

VEMP, Caloric testing, Rotational Chair, ENG/VNG, is actually the test that can detect dysfunction indirectly, by measuring the nystagmus of the eye. but then, by comparing with multiple test, we can specifically specify which organ is impaired...

ps: kerja nanti,, nak bukak klinik pening jugak..~~~


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